Maybe we could organize a health care denial version of Amnesty International. It might work, it works with dictators. 

For example such an organization could reach out to patients who have had their claims denied and offer to write letters on their behalf.  We would not replace the claim appeal process. Our purpose would be to remind the health insurance companies that murder-by-spread-sheet is wrong and they ought not to do it.

Sample letter:

Dear [Insert CEO name here]:

I was distressed to learn that your company has denied John Doe’s claim for [insert medicine, procedure, medical equipment]. This is wrong. John Doe has paid his premiums, now you must approve his claim.


[your name]

These letters should be sent USPS. There is something about a physical letter that is more substantial than an email.

The idea is to remind health insurance companies that we are watching and that we do not approve of murder-by-spread-sheet.

If you are interested in participating in such a project, contact me at .
